Anhatomirim Island


Santa Cruz Fortress

I am a person who is very fond of history, knowing the events of the past and being present in these places feeling the energy is indescribable. In Florianópolis there are three fortresses, among them, the fortress of Santa Cruz de Anhatomirim (because of the name of the island) was the most important because it had a more privileged view of the enemies that arrived by sea. It was built in 1739 by the Portuguese and played an important role in the island's defensive system.

By the time of the Federalist Revolution (1892-1893) it was used as a prison and execution area of many revolt against the forced possession of President Marechal Floriano Peixoto. Just to understand what happened in 1891, when it was designed the second constitution of Brazil by then president and Proclaimer of the Republic Marshal Deodoro da Fonseca, he renounced the post in less than 1 year, and according to the new Constitution, presidents who remained for less than two years in the mandate, the vice President was to be provisionally sworn in for a new direct election. Only that cute Floriano Peixoto, decided he was going to stay in office. After that the generals were rebelled and demanded the departure of the deputy, since he was meeting the current constitution. Do you know what happened? All 13 generals have been exonerated. After that it started kind of a war in Brazil and the army of the armed revolt fell south to join with the two parties that formed the federalist uprising and wanted at any cost to take power. That's where the fortress of Anhatomirim comes in. Ordained by the president "Iron Marshal", as he was known, became a prison for all those who revolted against the Vice-President arbitrarily sworn.

Legend has it that many were killed there, even inside the island I met the tree they claim to be the tree of the hanged. When I came in and read about the story, I got goose bumps. But nobody says it really happened. So it's just in our imaginary.

of Oriental influence, the port whose access is given through a staircase of limestone (a rare type of limestone occurring in Portugal).

Photo taken from the second floor of the island's first armory, where all the gunpowder was kept. In the photo area of the island (above) it is possible to see the white building right on the right side of the tower.

The new armory besides being on the hidden side of the island was a house with a wall around it and a corridor that surrounded the house.

In the upper part was the troop and at the bottom was the place of remand or provisional arrest of enemies, or even the soldiers of the fortress.

And at the end of the day it did not help, the Floriano Peixoto remained in power until 1894, the year in which prudent de Moraes was elected and after that the people of the South saw that had more lost than won with the war, then, after the new President assume , he made a peace deal.

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